Monday, August 24, 2009

Kindergarten Report

I think Trey had a good day! I say "think" because when I asked him how his day went I got the normal, yet very annoying one word answers...."good", "fine", "ok", etc. Did you meet any new your teacher nice......yes......How was recess.....good......and so on and so on. But as the afternoon went on, he started supplying details all on his own. He said Ms. Godbold (his teacher) is very nice and that he played with boys and girls at recess. He also mentioned that he loved eating lunch in the caPeteria. Yes I spelled that right. Cafeteria with a P. Don't worry, I corrected him:). It was still cute though. I am so glad it went well, but I'd be totally lying if I said I didn't TOTALLY lose it the minute we left his classroom. It's hard to watch my little man grow up! I pray he grows into a godly man who treats others with respect and love....but I want him to grow SLLOOOOWWWLLLLLLYYYY!!!!!:) Keep on praying for the rest of Trey's kindergarten year!:)
p.s Happy Birthday Trey!!!! (yes he is THAT kid who has his birthday on the first day of school....poor guy!)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Funny little man

So---there has been a lot going on for the Seigle family lately! Two really big things are 1. Trey turns six tomorrow! and 2. Trey starts kindergarten tomorrow! I am hoping to get through tomorrow with no tears (on my part, Trey is dying of excitement) but for those who know me....that is not likely! Anyway, Trey has already celebrated his birthday twice, once with my parents and sister, and then today with Bobby's parents and a good friend, Steve Cellucci. We went to Abuelos and it was yummy. Trey got cake and ice cream of course for his birthday and quickly ate all the ice cream and didn't really touch the cake. Grandma Bonnie said, "Trey, are you going to eat your cake?" and Trey replied, " No Grandma, I'm not a cake man, I'm more of an ice cream man." I about died laughing because he said it so matter of factly...and I guess turning six makes him a MAN now!:)

Another funny story about Trey.......tonight I was putting him to bed and he kept looking at my forehead while we were talking/praying. (FYI I have two HUGE zits on my face right now....gotta love that time of the month!:)) All the sudden he interrupts me and says, "Oh Mama, you have a big zit, let me get it for you," and then proceeds to try and pop my zit. It was a wonderful moment, and Yes, he did draw blood:). hahaha.

Also--Tonight was bobby and I's first softball practice for this coed league we are playing in. Bobby and I both never played this sport....the only one we didn't! Combined we went 1 for 8 and had 2 errors....according to Bobby. I try and focus only on the good, which was that I caught it once when I was playing second!:) I think i'll start pumping some iron since some of these girls could eat me for breakfast and I have a feeling we'll be hitting up the batting cages....Bobby and I are not competitive at all!! (SARCASM!!!:)

I can't leave Elizabeth out of this post...she's 13 months today! How fast they grow!:) She is all over the place and gabbering up a storm. She tries really hard to keep up with Trey and has decided his toys are way cooler than hers! She can say a couple of words, but can understand a lot of what we tell her. She still thinks "NO" is a funny word, so I think we are going to have our work cut out for us!

ok, I'm outta here....hopefully I'll be better about posting now that we'll be on more of a schedule. Happy new school year!:)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Been Busy!

It has been forever since I've blogged, and my sister told me this morning that I needed to get on and update this thing! I have TONS, and I mean TONS of pictures that I need to put on here from the summer, but these are two that my sister took recently. First is me and Trey with Gray, my niece. Second picture is Elizabeth and Gray, my mom's two Granddaughters. We are in Charlotte now for Gray's baptism and then we will head back to the beach so Trey can get ready to start school. Trey will be 6 on the 24th of this month. I can hardly believe my little boy is getting so big! We have really had a great summer and have gotten to see a lot of family, which has been nice after living so far away for the past 4 years. I am sad to see it coming to an end and even sadder for Kindergarten to start!! Everyone better start praying for Mama, because it is going to be harder on me that Trey.....he's pumped!:)

look at my tough guy!!

me and my sweet baby