I think Trey had a good day! I say "think" because when I asked him how his day went I got the normal, yet very annoying one word answers...."good", "fine", "ok", etc. Did you meet any new friends....yes........is your teacher nice......yes......How was recess.....good......and so on and so on. But as the afternoon went on, he started supplying details all on his own. He said Ms. Godbold (his teacher) is very nice and that he played with boys and girls at recess. He also mentioned that he loved eating lunch in the caPeteria. Yes I spelled that right. Cafeteria with a P. Don't worry, I corrected him:). It was still cute though. I am so glad it went well, but I'd be totally lying if I said I didn't TOTALLY lose it the minute we left his classroom. It's hard to watch my little man grow up! I pray he grows into a godly man who treats others with respect and love....but I want him to grow SLLOOOOWWWLLLLLLYYYY!!!!!:) Keep on praying for the rest of Trey's kindergarten year!:)
p.s Happy Birthday Trey!!!! (yes he is THAT kid who has his birthday on the first day of school....poor guy!)
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