Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

Since I'm pretty sure I'm not going to make it 'til midnight, I wanted to wish my few readers a Happy New Year! It's always exciting to have a new year begin and feel like we can have a fresh start. We can start all over with our slate wiped clean....especially if we know Jesus! Love you all and here's to a great 2010!:)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Family Picture

Here is a picture of our family on Christmas Eve, right before we left for church!:)

Friday, December 25, 2009

Almost the new year

In 5 days, I will be 27. In a week, it will be a brand new year. I've been doing some thinking.....dangerous I know:).....about some changes/improvements I would like to make for the new year. So, in no particular order, here is my list of "new year's resolutions".
1. Exercise more and eat better. (this has to be on every woman's list)
2. Pray more and have a more consistent quiet time.
3. Stop worrying about things I cannot control.
4. Have a good attitude even during times that are hard and when things don't seem to be going my way.
5. Serve others with a grateful heart.
6. Tell those I love, that I love them because you never know when they might be gone!
7. Teach my kids more about Jesus and how great His love is for them.
8. Get organized, and keep a cleaner house!
9. Learn to cook.
10. Basically, I need to get "domesticized". hahaha.... is that a word?!
11. I could go on and on and on about things to work on....but I'm going to just start learning to accept the Grace that was so freely given and give myself a little break here!:) Merry Christmas and Happy New Year my friends!:)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from my family to yours!  Hope everyone is enjoying this time with family and friends.  We are having a great time out here in Pawley's Island.  Even though it is only 25 minutes from our house, we feel like we are on a vacation because we've been staying at Grandma's and Grandpa's house for about a week.  Trey and Elizabeth are having so much fun with their cousins and we don't want them to miss a minute of spending time with them.  Elizabeth does her best to keep up with the big girls and Trey and the boy cousins play a mean game of kickball everyday in the driveway.  Of course, the biggest kids (Bobby, Mark, and maybe me...:) get out there and join in on the fun too!  
I love this time of year....for a lot of reasons, but most of all, it is exciting to teach my kids that on Christmas, God gave us the greatest gift of all....His son.  I know at their young age they may not realize the magnitude of this, but I pray that one day they will.  
I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!:)....and a Happy new year!!!

look at my tough guy!!

me and my sweet baby