Because I am so much fun to be around, Laura came to visit us again!:) haha, just kidding. (Even though I would like to think I'm not a total drag to be around!) We had a great time hanging out, eating a lot--I introduced Laura to the greatest dessert pizza ever, playing Old Maid, playing the Wii, going to a 5 year old's birthday party, going to see Bride Wars, and finally going to a Japanese Steakhouse and getting the Hibachi experience....and believe me, it was an experience:). I can't give further details, but if you want them, call me!
Trey of course loved having Laura here again and showed off quite a bit to prove it. He showed Laura some of his best dance moves, which include a lot of the "worm" and semi break dancing. Elizabeth smiled everytime she looked at Laura and that was a lot...she couldn't keep her eyes off her! Laura kept saying, "I want a baby!" And I kept saying, "A couple few years my dear!" Overall it was a great visit! Thanks for coming Laura!
Baby news-Elizabeth is sitting up! She is almost 6 months (on friday). She tumbles over every now and then, so I still have pillows behind her to break her fall, but for the most part she is doing great! She has her 6 month checkup on Thursday, so I will update with her weight and height. Can't wait to see how big my girl is!! She is still in 3-6 month clothing, but I can tell some of it is getting snug. She is also getting more hair and sometimes it gets really curly, especially after a bath. Check out the new pictures!:)
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