Thursday, July 9, 2009

My baby girl...... WALKING!!!!!!!  :)  I can't believe it!  She is two weeks away from her first birthday so I knew it was coming soon.  Before today she managed to take 1 or 2 steps but then once she realized what she was doing she would fall down immediately.  But today she went across the whole room!!  It was so sweet, Paige got it on video, so I will try and paste it once she loads it online.  Just wanted to update everyone (who actually reads this:)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Not Me "Tuesday"

* This is an idea I am stealing from my sister-in-law's supposed to be Not Me Monday, but I am having to conduct a "blog rebuttal"!!!:)  (Hopefully I spelled that right!)

Where to begin.....
I did NOT laugh uncontrollably when Caroline asked her mommy (Paige) if a picture of her with short hair was "when she was a little boy".  I did NOT go to a movie with Bobby and Paige where Paige was the only person laughing during "My sister's Keeper."  I of course did NOT at times have to laugh along with her.  I did NOT cry so hard that snot was dripping out of my nose and I did NOT borrow kleenex from Paige!

I did NOT kill myself doing the Firm with Paige....I was NOT determined to finish it just because Paige was...I also did NOT need gallons of water and assistance going up and down the stairs afterwards.  I did NOT have to watch Paige do the motions instead of the instructors because I am so coordinated!  I of course did NOT try and exercise and jump around without proper support!:)  haha, Paige will get this!

I do NOT have the same conversation with Caroline every night in my bed about being allergic to bees.  I did not laugh when she told her brother (OLDER brother by the way) to "Get out of the pool, SON!"  We do NOT talk about all the grotesque ways her mom could die and how sad it would be.  I most certainly do NOT laugh at everything that girl says!

I did NOT want to tell my sweet baby girl to hush her mouth in the car yesterday as she was joyfully talking/singing/babbling.  I did NOT have an emotional breakdown in the car and try really hard to shield my face from Paige, as she could hear (once again) the snot being sucked back into my nose!:)

Mmmmmm.....Could go on and on....might have to make this Not me MONDAY  a habit!:)

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

I will have pictures from today up later, but I wanted to wish everyone a Happy 4th and thank all who have sacrificed so we can enjoy our freedom in this great country!  We don't always realize how good we have it, but it's nice to take this day to hug a soldier and show our appreciation.  To my Dad, my favorite soldier-- I love you!:) 

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Pawley's Island Pictures!

We are having a great time at the beach with our cousins! Here are a couple cute pics! Later I will have to dedicate a whole post to my niece Caroline 'cause that girl cracks me up!

look at my tough guy!!

me and my sweet baby