.....is WALKING!!!!!!! :) I can't believe it! She is two weeks away from her first birthday so I knew it was coming soon. Before today she managed to take 1 or 2 steps but then once she realized what she was doing she would fall down immediately. But today she went across the whole room!! It was so sweet, Paige got it on video, so I will try and paste it once she loads it online. Just wanted to update everyone (who actually reads this:)
YAAAAY!!! What a huge milestone!!
WOW! No pressure there...guess I better get on that downloading! :)
I miss my Elizabeth...and her bigger cousin is missing her too (as well as E's mom!)!
The boys on the other hand are having a blast...Trey even said today to Will..."you are my favorite best friend." So sweet!
Praying for you for Tuesday!
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