Friday, March 6, 2009

We're gettin' some TOOFS!

Ok! Today was TOTALLY a rough one.....but Elizabeth had an excuse! She is cutting her first two teeth on the bottom!! For some reason it's super exciting to me because I feel like we're entering a new phase in her life....but girlfriend better not bite me!
Backing up a little~Yesterday E had her 7 month checkup...we were a little late getting it because my flight coming home from GA got cancelled. Anyway, she weighed in at 18 lbs. 10 oz. She is 27 inches long. Her height is in the 75th percentile and her weight is in the 80th. So she is very proportionate and has come a long way from being an itty bitty 25 percentile girl in everything!! She of course had to get a shot, so when she started running a fever at about 10 last night, I chalked it up to the immunization. This morning she still didn't look good, was super fussy, and had a funky rash on her neck and upper chest. I returned to the doctor for the second day in a row (I am really tight with all the nurses, they joke around that they are just going to let me move in:)) And folks, as of 230 today Elizabeth is just fine, she is getting teeth, and the doctors officially think I am a crazy woman. :)

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look at my tough guy!!

me and my sweet baby